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About me


Having experienced first-hand the impact of inadequate financial planning when my father passed away when I was 16, I am deeply committed to helping people build comprehensive and holistic financial plans for themselves and their loved ones. I understand the struggles that can arise when unforeseen events occur, and it is my duty to ensure that their lives are not compromised in any way.


Over the past 9 years in the industry, I have successfully helped numerous professionals and individuals build their wealth using my own investment strategies. 


As a result, they are now on track to retire 5-10 years earlier than their peers. It brings me great satisfaction to know that I have made a positive difference in their lives and empowered them to achieve financial security.



Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Wealth Management | Life & Saving Protection

2020 - 2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

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