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About me


While planning for my retirement when I was 22 years old, I realised that my knowledge on personal financial planning was insufficient despite having a professional background in Accounting. In pursuit of stronger understanding, I decided to pursue a career in financial planning services, where I learned and gained experience in planning for passive income, assessing protection requirements, and providing business solutions.


With over 11 years of experience, my beliefs, values and traits are what give meaning to my success as a financial consultant. I stay committed to continuous learning and self-improvement as I believe that embracing change is crucial for working with my clients and personal growth. I value the opportunity to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds who have unique experiences to share.


A moment of immense pride for me was when I was recognized as one of the top 1% in service standards across all of Manulife Singapore. I am truly honoured by the recognition and grateful for the unwavering support and encouragement of my clients.


Hui Teng

Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Retirement Planning | Wealth Management

Chartered Financial Consultant

2022 - 2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2021 : Court of the Table (COT)

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