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About me


With over 10 years of industry experience, I’m driven by a deep fascination with the transformative power of finances to shape lives and create opportunities. Witnessing the profound impact of proper financial planning on individuals and their families inspired me to pursue this career.


I’ve had the privilege of assisting numerous clients on their financial journeys. My expertise extends beyond insurance, also covering investments, real estate planning, legacy planning for families, and generating multiple income streams. One of my distinctive capabilities is providing valuable Islamic insights to my Muslim clients, ensuring that their financial strategies adhere to the principles of Shariah Law. What sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to build long-term relationships grounded on trust, transparency, and personalized guidance. I aim to deliver exceptional service that helps clients secure their financial future. 


Together, let's navigate the intricacies of financial planning and work towards achieving your goals with confidence. 


Abdul Hakim

Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Wealth Management | Legacy Planning

2022-2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

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