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Chua Yi Cong Zenon

About me


I witnessed my own father go through two major illnesses that wiped out all of his savings due to inadequate planning, and it truly made life challenging for my family. We had no choice but to quickly get back into the workforce to support my studies and put food on the table. This experience inspired me deeply and serves as a constant reminder to ensure that those around me are educated about how financial matters should never be taken lightly.


One of my proudest and toughest moments was when I had to deliver a cheque to my friend to support him during a disability. It came as a complete shock, with no prior medical history, and he lost his mobility in his early 30s. Thankfully, the money provided him with the time and resources for treatment, and I'm happy to see him on the road to recovery through rehabilitation.


I strongly believe that education is the key, and it is my duty to empower each individual, exposing them to financial topics and ensuring they are on track of their financial journey. Walking this journey with my clients, resolving their problems, and instilling a systematic approach gives great meaning to my career, and I continue to do this through the team I lead.


My focus is always on character building and personal development. I firmly believe in doing things the right way, which naturally attracts the right people to our business. With both parties working hand in hand, we can effectively execute great ideas and achieve success together.


Yi Cong Zenon

Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Wealth Management | Retirement Planning

2018, 2020, 2021 & 2023: Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2022: Court of the Table (COT)

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