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About me


I cherish my roles in life as a devoted son to my parents, a loving husband to my wife, and a nurturing father to my boys and my profession as a financial planner, with a deep commitment to the dreams and aspirations of those who entrust me with their financial well-being.


My journey started with a major in Graphic Design during my tertiary education, now it has led me to design succession plans for business owners, create income streams for comfortable retirements, and safeguard legacies from economic fluctuations, creditors, or financial immaturity of beneficiaries.


With over two decades in the financial advisory world, I've realized that our present choices stem from the decisions of yesterday.


Life, to me, is about living deliberately, not by default.


I invite you to schedule a meeting with me, and together, we can craft a financial future that aligns with your unique aspirations.


Beyond my professional and family life, I volunteer passionately in my church and a non-profit ministry for Christian business leaders.


Dedicated to shaping the next generation, I am currently serving my third term as President of Serangoon Secondary School's Advisory Committee and Alumni.


Let's connect and make a difference together.



Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

Legacy Planning | Wealth Management

2022-2023: Court of the Table (COT)

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner

Associate Financial Planner

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