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About me


Wanting to spend more time with my first child who was turning 3 then, I took a leap of faith in my career path and became a Financial Consultant.


Since then, I find meaning in being a partner and friend that my clients can trust in at different life stages; my proudest moment was realising my clients' unwavering trust in me as an advisor and a friend. 


Prior to being a financial consultant, I was a Fund Administration Analyst for 7 years. My experience in the financial sector allows me to provide well-rounded advice to my clients.


I advocate on the importance of holistic financial planning, reaching out to share my knowledge with as many people as I can. Through the years, I have mastered my expertise in investment and ability to simplify the process for them to understand.  I strive to always be there for my clients and uphold their best interest. 



Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Retirement Planning | Wealth Management

2021 - 2023 : Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)

2019: Unit of the Year - Manpower (1st)

IBF Advanced Level 2

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