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About me


When I was 16, my family faced the harsh reality of my father's business bankruptcy, which laid bare the consequences of poor financial management. A turning point came in the form of an endowment maturity cheque, which changed our lives and allowed me to continue my education. 


As a financial consultant, my role extends far beyond selling policies. I am passionate about transforming solutions into tangible hopes and dreams for my clients. Witnessing the positive impact I can have on their lives has solidified my unwavering commitment to guiding them towards a secure financial future.


One of my proudest moments was receiving an award together with my beloved grandmother. It was a poignant reminder that the impact we have on others extends far beyond ourselves, and why I do what I do. 



Representing Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Legacy Planning | Wealth Management

2021-2023: Top of the Table (TOT)

2015-2016, 2018-2023: Court of the Table (COT)

2022: Financial Services Consultant of the Year - Manulife Case Count (2nd)

2022: Financial Services Consultant of the Year - Manulife Production (APE) (1st)

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