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About me


In my previous role as a Relationship Manager at a bank, I noticed an inclination to focus on investment and wealth planning. The gap in protection planning inspired me to join Manulife as a financial consultant, in hope of providing holistic and comprehensive solutions for all my clients.


What gives me meaning as a successful financial consultant is the opportunity to make a positive difference in people's lives. Guiding clients towards financial security, protecting their loved ones, and enabling them to pursue their dreams is truly fulfilling, and I am proud to witness the transformative impact of my guidance to a client's financial journey. 


What sets me apart from other consultants is my commitment to offer a holistic approach. My company provides a one-stop solution, allowing me to deliver comprehensive planning that covers both investments and life protection. I am grateful for the privilege to serve my clients with an all-encompassing strategy, differentiating myself by going above and beyond their expectations.



Manulife Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

2023: Top of the Table (TOT)

Wealth Management | Legacy Planning

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